2011年9月18日 星期日

Jungle Tier List (By ElementZ)

Alright first a write up before I give out the tier list. The mastery changes are new and completely shifted a lot of things around. We know a Jungle Remake is coming so until then we are facing a time when junglers are super powerful. Unless the remake comes or they nerf somethings then junglers are going to be faster, deadlier and crazier. I think I have to give myself another patch week in order to decide on how to rank champions now and to re evaluate my formulas.

For starters, I've been using Warwick as my standard for awhile. I think Warwick's time is done. The new changes didn't help him much and he's just been outdone and outshone by everyone. I am thinking of using Jarvan as my standard now. He's average-above average in many of the aspects and is generally a "good" jungler.

This doesn't mean I won't have a tier list right now. I just won't have the grades, the numbers and stuff thrown around. Just a simple list.

Tier 1 - Udyr, Trundle, Skarner, Lee Sin, Nocturne, Fiddlesticks, Nunu, Cho Gath
Tier 2 - Shaco, Riven, Jarvan, Amumu, Gangplank, Maokai, Rammus, Shyvana
Tier 3 - Xin Zhao, Fizz, Malphite, Master Yi, Olaf, Warwick, Tryndamere, Yorick, Gragas
Tier 4 - Alistar, Blitzcrank, Akali, Sion, Graves, Galio, Irelia, Kayle, Renekton, Nasus
Tier 5 - Karma, Mordekaiser, Pantheon, Taric, Wukong, Jax, Evelynn, Talon, Orianna


The mastery changes only made the gods godlier and increased overall jungle strength. The tier list didn't fluctuate much. The scores and ratings likely will once the new standard is chosen.

Trundle - For starters, you cannot fight Trundle 1v1 in pretty much all accounts. He's one of the most dangerous jungle duelists and can pull off intricate ganks thanks to his wall. He's very difficult to catch, a godly invader, both in stealing and dueling, a powerful ganker, sustained with high damage and multiple path options - this guy is a beast. He got a strength boost with the masteries and simply devours the jungle. He took Lee Sin's place due to Lee getting no clearing speed and still countered by Trundle.

Skarner - same as Trundle except weaker early and not "artistic" as Trundle when it comes to ganks and pathing. When it comes to dueling - Skarner is just very hard to kill and in most cases will outlast their attacker and pin them down long enough for them to regret their decision. He got a massive speed boost with the masteries.

Lee Sin - HE HAS THE SAME PATHS AND BUILDS!!! His sustain just got a lot stronger is all.

The shift in tier 2 - some champions moved out so the entire list shifted up

Maokai - Yeah he's a godly invader. I moved him down in the last list because the path i had wasn't so safe. With the return of the superior path choice on Maokai - he's gone back up. Theoddone's performance of course helped bring this about. Maokai's strength was boosted even more with the mastery remake and he is currently the fastest leveler - though he still suffers from sustain issues and having a prep phase in the jungle.

Shyvana - The mastery changes gave her a boost in speed and damage as well as sustainability. Her lack of CC still hurts her pretty badly and will keep her from being a worthwhile pick but her speed and ability to clear camps and invade so easily is wonderful.

Warwick - Godlike sustain. That's about it. He's just outshadowed by everyone and he can't gank early and he just falls short. He no longer beats anyone in anything. Even other junglers have become more sustained than him (Cho Gath) that he's just nothing special anymore.

Fizz - Average pretty much. He's fun for sure. He just lacks sustain, speed, his optimal build is tampered with when you want to jungle, his recovery is pretty meh. He's just average at best when compared to the other viable junglers. His viability is still in question and he could find a place in the jungle - his mobility, his ability to gank and disengage is great - but as far as I can see, the lane is better



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